Le Paludisme dans la Zone Pilote Antipaludique de Bobo Dioulasso (Haute-Volta, A.O.F.)

by R. Choumara, J. Hamon, et al. No. 1, 125 pages, illustrated. Paper covers. Paris, Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outer-Mer, 1959

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An experiment in malaria eradication by residual spraying is reported in this, the first of a series of reports on various projects by ORSTOM, the French governmental agency for overseas scientific and technical research. Forty-one tables, 2 maps, and 10 graphs, as well as French, English, Spanish, and German summaries, are included, with an introduction by the Director General of ORSTOM and a preface by M. Vaucel, Inspector General of Overseas Pasteur Institutes.

Author Notes
