Water Supply for Rural Areas and Small Communities

by Edmund G. Wagner, Rio de Janeiro, and J. N. Lanoix, Geneva. 1st edition, 337 pages, illustrated. Geneva, World Health Organisation (Columbia University Press, New York 27, New York), 1959. $6.75

Gordon M. Fair
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Since 1951, the World Health Organization has published a series of monographs on important aspects of human health. The authors of the 43 monographs that have appeared to date have been staff members assigned to this duty or consultants engaged specifically for this purpose. In Edmund G. Wagner and Joseph N. Lanoix, the Division of Environmental Sanitation has found a team that brings to its task the experience gained in many lands, first under the aegis of their own governments and later under that of international health authorities including, in the case of Mr. Lanoix, WHO itself.

Water Supply for Rural Areas and Small Communities is a companion volume to Excreta Disposal for Rural Areas and Small Communities, by the same authors. Both books, however, reflect not only the team's competency but also, in a sense, the experience of engineers throughout the world, because the manuscripts have been reviewed by regional public health engineers, physicians, and sanitation personnel stationed in widely scattered places: to the number of 38 in this instance, for example.

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