Volume 9 (1960): Issue 3 (May 1960)

Serologic Diagnosis of Schistosoma Mansoni Infections
I. Development of a Cercarial Antigen Slide Flocculation Test
Book Review
The Ecology of Human Disease
by Jacques M. May, M.D. 1st volume, 327 pages, illustrated. New York, N. Y., M. D. Publications, 1958. $7.50
Book Review
Parasitology (Protozoology and Helminthology) in Relation to Clinical Medicine
by K. D. Chatterjee, M.D., 2nd Edition, 188 pages, illustrated. Published by the author, 6, Amrita Banerjee Road, Kalighat, Calcutta 26, India. 1959. Rs. 17.50
Book Review
A Textbook of Medicine
by Russell L. Cecil, M.D., Sc.D. and Robert F. Loeb, M.D., Sc.D., D.Hon. Causa, LL.D., editors, with associate editors. 10th edition, 1665 pages, illustrated. Philadelphia and London, W. B. Saunders Co., 1959. $16.50—1 vol., or $20.52—2 vols
Book Review
Assistance Technique en Médecine Africaine
by Docteur René Devignat, Directeur de l'École de Médecine Tropicale et de l'École d'Assistance Médicale Indigène, à Elisabethville, Belgian Congo. 1st edition, 167 pages, illustrated. Paris, Masson et Cie, 1958. 1.600 fr
Book Review
Blindness in West Africa
by F. C. Rodger, M.D., Ch.M., D.O.M.S., F.R.S.T.M. & H. 1st. edition, 262 pages, illustrated. London, H. K. Lewis & Co., Ltd. (for the Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind), 1959. £ 3-10-0
Book Review
Report of the First Institute on Clinical Teaching: 6th AAMC Teaching Institute
Helen H. Gee and Julius B. Richmond, Planning Committee, and E. S. Nourse, editors. 233 pages, illustrated. Evanston, Ill., Association of American Medical Colleges, 1959. Cloth $3.00, paper $2.00
Book Review
Water Supply for Rural Areas and Small Communities
by Edmund G. Wagner, Rio de Janeiro, and J. N. Lanoix, Geneva. 1st edition, 337 pages, illustrated. Geneva, World Health Organisation (Columbia University Press, New York 27, New York), 1959. $6.75
Book Review
Le Paludisme dans la Zone Pilote Antipaludique de Bobo Dioulasso (Haute-Volta, A.O.F.)
by R. Choumara, J. Hamon, et al. No. 1, 125 pages, illustrated. Paper covers. Paris, Office de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique Outer-Mer, 1959