Reservoir Hosts of Human Babesiosis on Nantucket Island

Andrew Spielman Department of Tropical Public Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Vector Biology Control Division and Parasitic Diseases Division, Bureau of Tropical Diseases, Centers for Disease Control, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 665 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115

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Paul Etkind Department of Tropical Public Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Vector Biology Control Division and Parasitic Diseases Division, Bureau of Tropical Diseases, Centers for Disease Control, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 665 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115

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Joseph Piesman Department of Tropical Public Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Vector Biology Control Division and Parasitic Diseases Division, Bureau of Tropical Diseases, Centers for Disease Control, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 665 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115

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Trenton K. Ruebush II Department of Tropical Public Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Vector Biology Control Division and Parasitic Diseases Division, Bureau of Tropical Diseases, Centers for Disease Control, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 665 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115

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Dennis D. Juranek Department of Tropical Public Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Vector Biology Control Division and Parasitic Diseases Division, Bureau of Tropical Diseases, Centers for Disease Control, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 665 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115

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Mira S. Jacobs Department of Tropical Public Health, Harvard School of Public Health, Vector Biology Control Division and Parasitic Diseases Division, Bureau of Tropical Diseases, Centers for Disease Control, Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 665 Huntington Avenue, Boston, Massachusetts 02115

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The host range of Babesia microti was studied on Nantucket Island in order to identify the enzootic reservoir of this human pathogen. White-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus) were more frequently parasitized than were other indigenous animals. Infection was ubiquitous in locations where deer were abundant. Mice were most frequently parasitemic during spring and summer and adults more frequently than juveniles. Parasitemia, which was rarely intense, was sustained for as long as 4 months. Mice lived as long as 10 months, and juveniles were most abundant during early summer. Prevalence of zoonotic infection, in certain locations, appeared to be inversely correlated with abundance of mice. B. microti was present solely in regions harboring deer.

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