The Occurrence and Non-Occurrence of Certain Diseases in Costa Rica

Solón Núñez Costa Rica, Central America

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I think that it would be useful to make known the bacterial and parasitic diseases which especially concern Costa Rica: those which exist and those which are unknown because they have not been studied yet.

The geographical situation of Central America, of which Costa Rica is a part, may be represented as a bridge which joins both large mainlands of North and South America: that is the reason why, during historical periods, different people settled their temporary or permanent dwellings in this country and that the different exponents of the American fauna and flora seems to have met here. For instance: the great variety of birds has always attracted the attention of the ornithologist. Some investigations have been made in Costa Rica, specially by expupils of French schools, but there is still much to be done and it is desirable that new foreign investigators visit this country where their observations would add to the knowledge already acquired.

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