Gastro-Intestinal Lavage with Water at Comparatively High Temperatures for Removing Worms from Dogs

Maurice C. Hall Zoological Division, Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C.

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Jacob E. Shillinger Zoological Division, Bureau of Animal Industry, Washington, D. C.

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In a recent paper, Rivas (1926) has reported the results of duodenal and colonic lavage for the treatment of gastro-intestinal parasitism, poisoning and other conditions in man and dogs. On the basis of in vitro tests he concludes that protozoan and metazoan parasites are killed in about ten minutes at 45°C. and in a few minutes at 47°C. and believes that the passage of worms during febrile conditions, a thing quite generally thought to be of common occurrence, is due to the increase in temperature.

His experiments on dogs were as follows: One dog was treated, following a preliminary laparotomy, by inserting a trocar in the duodenum and flushing the intestines with 900 cc. of water at 52° to 55°C.; this removed 7 tapeworms, 19 ascarids, and 11 hookworms; dog died four days later; postmortem, no parasites, but a hemorrhagic enteritis present.

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