A Manual of Medical Parasitology

By Clay G. Huff, Professor of Parasitology, University of Chicago. Pp. I–X, I–88. University of Chicago Press. 1943

Chas. F. Craig
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This small manual upon medical parasitology may prove useful to the classes conducted by the author at the University of Chicago but it is doubtful if it will be as useful to the general student of medicine, as it considers the entire subject in the very limited space of 88 pages, which cannot be done and give the student any real conception of the importance of parasitology to the medical man. The reviewer cannot conscientiously recommend this manual for, in his opinion, it is inadequate as a teaching manual and would give the student a very limited knowledge of the many important parasites causing disease in man-kind.

The surprising statement is made in the Preface that “one of the greatest deficiencies felt in presenting the laboratory work has been the lack of colored figures of the malarial parasites, which would make possible the rapid identification of the various forms in blood-films.”

Author Notes
