Handbook of Health

By George Cheever Shattuck, M.D., and William Jason Mixter, M.D. Second Edition, Revised. Pp. I–VII, I–228. Harvard University Press. 1943

Chas. F. Craig
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This little book is intended “for use by persons overseas who are engaged in more or less dangerous work and who, from time to time, may be unable to obtain medical advice or assistance” and it well fulfills its mission. It is written in plain, simple language which can be understood by the average individual and treats of the following subjects: Keeping Fit, Common Ailments of World-Wide Occurrence, The Tropics, Diseases Important in the Tropics, Biting Insects, Vermin and Snakes, The Arctic, Surgery, First Aid, and contains an Appendix in which are considered Packing Medical Supplies and a Table of Weights and Measures.

A careful reading of this book has convinced the reviewer that it furnishes a most valuable source of information on the subjects treated for those for whom the work is intended and he has no hesitation in in recommending it as the best work of its kind that has come to his attention.

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