A Description of Malaria-Related Knowledge, Perceptions, and Practices in the Artibonite Valley of Haiti: Implications for Malaria Control

Joseph Keating Department of International Health and Development, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana; Hôpital Albert Schweitzer, Deschapelles, Haiti

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Thomas P. Eisele Department of International Health and Development, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana; Hôpital Albert Schweitzer, Deschapelles, Haiti

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Adam Bennett Department of International Health and Development, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana; Hôpital Albert Schweitzer, Deschapelles, Haiti

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Dawn Johnson Department of International Health and Development, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana; Hôpital Albert Schweitzer, Deschapelles, Haiti

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Kate Macintyre Department of International Health and Development, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana; Hôpital Albert Schweitzer, Deschapelles, Haiti

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A two-stage cluster survey (n = 200 households) was conducted in the Artibonite Valley of Haiti during the high malaria transmission season in November–December 2006. Knowledge, perceptions, and practices related to malaria were obtained from household representatives using a standardized questionnaire. Blood drops were obtained on filter paper from all household members more than one month of age (n = 714). Determinants of malaria infections and correct malaria-related knowledge were assessed using logistic regression. Respondents in households with more assets were significantly more likely than those in households with fewer assets to have correct malaria-related knowledge. Respondents from households with at least one malaria infection were less likely to have correct malaria-related knowledge. Older children (5–9 years of age) were shown to be at increased risk of malaria infection. Results suggest malaria control in Haiti should focus on enhanced surveillance and case management, with expanded information campaigns about malaria prevention and treatment options.

Author Notes

Reprint requests: Joseph Keating, Department of International Health and Development, Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, 1440 Canal Street, Suite 2200, New Orleans, LA, 70112, Telephone: 504-988-1458, Fax: 504-988-3653, E-mail: jkeating@tulane.edu.
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