Advocacy for Malaria Prevention, Control, and Research in the Twenty-First Century

Nicole Bates Global Health Council, Washington, District of Coumbia; Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland

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James Herrington Global Health Council, Washington, District of Coumbia; Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland

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Until recent years, public interest and political investment in malaria prevention, control, and research have been stagnant. The global malaria agenda is now experiencing an unprecedented time of public and political will and momentum. At the heart of this favorable period lies a nascent, but increasingly sophisticated, global advocacy effort that has contributed to new and expanded malaria funding, programs, and technology. This paper reviews the elements of malaria’s rise to political and public prominence, tracks the increase in funding and policy commitments to malaria over the past decade, and comments on an evolving policymaking progress, increasing transparency and accountability in program governance, and the impact of philanthropic investments in malaria advocacy. In addition, the principles of sound advocacy are described along with the mechanisms that will underlie sustained pro-political momentum for malaria research, resources, and results.

“Today, we have begun to write the final chapter in the history of malaria. We have raised hopes and expectations of our people—we must not let them down. We cannot afford to let them down.”

—His Excellency Olusegan Obasanjo, President of Nigeria, Abuja Summit 2000

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