MANOLA LAILLE Laboratoire de Recherche en Virologie Médicale, Institut Louis Malardé, Papeete, Tahiti, Polynésie Française

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CLAUDINE ROCHE Laboratoire de Recherche en Virologie Médicale, Institut Louis Malardé, Papeete, Tahiti, Polynésie Française

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Dengue (DEN) is the leading arboviral infection of humans, with 100 million cases annually in the tropical areas of the world. The recent severe DEN-1 epidemic in French Polynesia in 2001, with an incidence rate of 16% and more than 45% of the cases with dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome among 1,400 hospitalized children and eight fatalities, led us to study this new circulating strain. The entire envelope (E) gene of two French Polynesian DEN-1 virus isolates from the two epidemics of 1988–1989 (FP89) and 2001 (FP01) were sequenced and compared with 29 published DEN-1 virus E gene sequences. Phylogenetic relationships showed that the FP89 strain belonged to genotype V and the FP01 strain to genotype IV based on studies on the same region of DEN-1 virus genome (1,485 nucleotides). The recent dengue epidemic in French Polynesia in 2001 was probably due to the introduction of a new DEN-1 virus from Southeast Asia, since the minimum nucleotide divergence was 3.3% with A88, the Indonesian strain isolated in 1988 in Jakarta.

Author Notes

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