Goldberger on Pellagra

ed. by Milton Terris, Professor of Preventive Medicine, New York Medical College. xii + 395 pages. Louisiana State University Press, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. 1964. $12.50

Grace A. Goldsmith Department of Medicine Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, Louisiana

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Joseph Goldberger's brilliant studies of the cause and prevention of pellagra in the early part of the present century should have been recognized long ago as a classic example of epidemiological investigation. As the editor has indicated, Goldberger's research represents a model of epidemiological study because it rises above the level of observation and achieves the additional certainty of experimental demonstration. Goldberger's astute observations led him to develop a hypothesis for the cause of pellagra which was a serious, widespread disease of obscure etiology. He proved this hypothesis by irrefutable demonstration including human experimentation with volunteers. He also related the epidemiologic picture to the economic and social environment which permitted the disease to develop. The seventeen most significant publications of Goldberger on the subject of pellagra are reproduced in this volume. Collection of all of this material in a single book is a significant contribution to knowledge.

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