Exploration Medicine

being a practical guide for those going on expeditions, edited by O. G. Edholm, B.Sc., M.B., B.S., and A. L. Bacharach, M.A., F.R.I.C., with an Introduction by Sir Raymond Priestley. xvi + 410 pages, illustrated. The Williams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore. 1965. $11.00

Thomas H. Weller Department of Tropical Public Health Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts

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Under the auspices of the Exploration Committee of the Royal Geographical Society, a symposium was held in 1962 on the subject of “Exploration Medicine”. The edited presentations constitute this volume which is “intended primarily for the young non-medical explorer”. Some 19 contributors, many of whom are from the Medical Services of Her Majesty's Armed Forces, cover in 15 chapters subjects as diverse as “Protection by Vaccination”, “Underwater Hazards”, and “Small Boats at Sea”.

Several of the authors are physiologists. Their contributions reviewing the stresses posed by heat, cold, high altitudes, and water deprivation, together with the provisions that should be taken to cope with physiologically inhospitable environments, constitute most useful summaries. Some physiologic presentations are perhaps too technical for the non-medical explorer. Certain subjects are dealt with succinctly and with concern for the requirements of the prospective user; these include “Care of the Injured” by J. C. Watts, “Dental Matters” by D. V. Taylor, and “Food and Drink Rations” by A. B. E. deJong.

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