Yellow Fever

Ed. by George K. Strode, M.D., Director, International Health Division, The Rockefeller Foundation, with contributions by eight members of the Foundation. 710 pp., illustrated, with several plates in color. Cloth. New York: The McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1951. $9.50

Albert B. Sabin
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This book contains the epic story of a concerted attack on a dreaded infectious disease of world-wide importance. At the beginning of the twentieth century it appeared that the basic information needed for the eradication of yellow fever was at hand. The fear that the changing trade relations resulting from the opening of the Panama Canal might introduce yellow fever into the densely populated Orient and thus establish a permanent menace to the rest of the world greatly influenced the Rockefeller Foundation in its decision to establish the Yellow Fever Comission for the eradication of yellow fever. The “unexpected turns, unlooked-for puzzles, and unanticipated and exasperating set-backs, as well as triumphs with steady progress achieved only as the result of firmly sustained and many-sided effort”, to use the words of Dr. Strode, are fully related in this book.

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