Volume 19 (1970): Issue 2 (Mar 1970)

Toxocara Canis Infection in Baboons
I. Antibody, White-Cell, and Serum-Protein Responses Following Infection
Schistosomiasis Mansoni in the Chimpanzee
The Natural History of Chronic Infections after Single and Multiple Exposures
Granuloma Formation around Schistosoma Mansoni, S. Haematobium, and S. Japonicum Eggs
Size and Rate of Development, Cellular Composition, Cross-sensitivity, and Rate of Egg Destruction
Book Review
The Biochemistry of Viruses
edited by Hilton B. Levy, National Institutes of Health. xiv + 657 pages, illustrated. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York and London. 1969. $28.50
Book Review
Experimental Medicine and Surgery in Primates
Volume 162, Article 1, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Edward I. Goldsmith and J. Moor-Jankowski, consulting editors. 704 pages, illustrated and paperbound. The New York Academy of Sciences, 2 East 63rd Street, New York, N. Y. 10021. 1969. $32.50
Book Review
Monographs in Allergy, Volume 5. The Immunology of Nematode Infections. Trichinosis in Guinea-Pigs as a Model
by David Catty. xiv + 134 pages, 51 figures, and 23 tables. S. Karger AG, Arnold-Böcklin Strasse 25, 4000 Basel 11, Switzerland. 1969. $9.95
Book Review
Nepal Health Survey, 1965–1966
by Robert M. Worth and Narayan K. Shah. ix + 158 pages, illustrated, paperbound. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu. 1969. $4.50
Book Review
Parasites of Man and Animals in Hawaii
by Joseph E. Alicata. viii + 190 pages, illustrated. S. Karger, Basel, Switzerland. 1969. $9.00. Distributed in the United States by Albert J. Phiebig, P. O. Box 352, White Plains, New York 10602
Book Review
Pathology in the Tropics
by G. M. Edington, professor and head of Department of Pathology, University of Ibadan, Nigeria; and H. M. Gilles, senior lecturer in Tropical Medicine, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, University of Liverpool. ix + 756 pages, illustrated. The Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore, Maryland. 1969. $32.00
Book Review
Post-Traumatic Pulmonary Insufficiency, Pathophysiology of Respiratory Failure and Principles of Respiratory Care After Surgical Operations, Trauma, Hemorrhage, Burns, and Shock
by Francis D. Moore, M.D., Moseley Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School, Surgeon-in-Chief, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital; John H. Lyons, Jr., M.D., Assistant Professor of Surgery, Dartmouth Medical School, Director, Graduate Surgical Education, Dartmouth Medical School Affiliated Hospitals, Surgeon, Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital; Ellison C. Pierce, Jr., M.D., Clinical Associate in Anesthesia, Harvard Medical School, Senior Associate in Surgery (Anesthesia), Peter Bent Brigham Hospital; Alfred P. Morgan, Jr., M.D., Associate in Surgery, Harvard Medical School and Peter Bent Brigham Hospital; Philip A. Drinker, Ph.D., Research Associate in Physiology in the Department of Surgery, Harvard Medical School, Consultant, Surgery (Engineering), Peter Bent Brigham Hospital; John D. MacArthur, M.D., Instructor in Surgery, Harvard Medical School, Junior Associate in Surgery, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital; and Gustave J. Dammin, M.D., Friedman Professor of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, Pathologist-in-Chief, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital. xix + 234 pages, illustrated. W. B. Saunders Company, West Washington Square, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19105; 12 Dyott Street, London W. C. 1; 1835 Yonge Street, Toronto 7. 1969. $12.50