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Jessica M. Brogdon
Ali Sié
Clarisse Dah
Lucienne Ouermi
Boubacar Coulibaly
Elodie Lebas
Lina Zhong
Cindi Chen
Thomas M. Lietman
Jeremy D. Keenan
Thuy Doan
, and
Catherine E. Oldenburg
Restricted access
Ali Sié
Mamadou Bountogo
Alphonse Zakane
Guillaume Compaoré
Thierry Ouedraogo
Elodie Lebas
Fanice Nyatigo
Huiyu Hu
Jessica Brogdon
Benjamin F. Arnold
Thomas M. Lietman
, and
Catherine E. Oldenburg for the NAITRE Study Team
Open access
Boubacar Coulibaly
Ali Sié
Dramane Kiemde
Nestor Dembélé
Adama Compaore
Ousmane Dabo
Clarisse Dah
Lucienne Ouermi
Vicky Cevallos
Elodie Lebas
Jessica M. Brogdon
Jeremy D. Keenan
, and
Catherine E. Oldenburg
Free access
Mamadou Bountogo
Mamadou Ouattara
Ali Sié
Guillaume Compaoré
Clarisse Dah
Valentin Boudo
Alphonse Zakane
Elodie Lebas
Jessica M. Brogdon
William W. Godwin
Ying Lin
Benjamin F. Arnold
Catherine E. Oldenburg
, and
for the Étude CHAT Group
Open access
Ali Sié
Mamadou Ouattara
Mamadou Bountogo
Clarisse Dah
Guillaume Compaore
Elodie Lebas
Jessica M. Brogdon
Ying Lin
William W. Godwin
Kieran S. O’Brien
Benjamin F. Arnold
Thomas M. Lietman
Catherine E. Oldenburg
, and
for the Étude CHAT Study Group
Open access
Ali Sié
Clarisse Dah
Mamadou Bountogo
Mamadou Ouattara
Eric Nebie
Boubacar Coulibaly
Jessica M. Brogdon
William W. Godwin
Elodie Lebas
Thuy Doan
Benjamin F. Arnold
Travis C. Porco
Thomas M. Lietman
Catherine E. Oldenburg
, and
for the GAMIN Study Group
Open access
Ali Sie
Mamadou Bountogo
Alphonse Zakane
Guillaume Compaoré
Thierry Ouedraogo
Mamadou Ouattara
Elodie Lebas
Jessica Brogdon
Fanice Nyatigo
Kieran S. O’Brien
Travis C. Porco
Till Bärnighausen
Benjamin F. Arnold
Thomas M. Lietman
Catherine E. Oldenburg
, and
for the NAITRE Study Team
Open access
Thuy Doan
Zijun Liu
Ali Sié
Clarisse Dah
Mamadou Bountogo
Mamadou Ouattara
Boubacar Coulibaly
Dramane Kiemde
Guillaume Zonou
Eric Nebie
Jessica Brogdon
Elodie Lebas
Armin Hinterwirth
Lina Zhong
Cindi Chen
Zhaoxia Zhou
Travis Porco
Benjamin F. Arnold
Catherine E. Oldenburg
, and
Thomas M. Lietman for the GAMIN Study Group
Open access