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Schistosomiasis Mansoni in the Chimpanzee

The Natural History of Chronic Infections after Single and Multiple Exposures

E. H. Sadun
F. von Lichtenberg
A. W. Cheever
, and
D. G. Erickson
Restricted access

Experimental Infection with Schistosoma Haematobium in Chimpanzees

Parasitologic, Clinical, Serologic, and Pathological Observations

E. H. Sadun
F. von Lichtenberg
A. W. Cheever
D. G. Erickson
, and
R. L. Hickman
Restricted access
E. Bueding
D. G. Erickson
L. W. Scheibel
J. Fisher
, and
J. C. Key
Restricted access