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By C. M. Wenyon, C.M.G., C.B.E., M.B., B.Sc. (London). In 2 Volumes. Pp. xvi–ix, 1563. With 565 illustrations and 20 colored plates. 1926. New York: William Wood and Company. Price $25.00

Chas. F. Craig
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The Life and Work of Sir Patrick Manson

By Phillip H. Manson-Bahr, D.S.O., M.D., F.R.C.P., and A. Alcock, C.I.E., LL.D. F.R.S., Lieut. Colonel, I.M.S. (retired). Pages i–vi, 1–273. With 12 half-tone plates. New York: William Wood and Company. Price $5.50

Chas. F. Craig
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Reagenzien und Nährböden

Von Dr. Phil. E. Böhm und Dr. Phil. K. R. Dietrich. Pages i–vi, 1–344. Berlin: Urban and Schwarzenberg, 1927

Chas. F. Craig
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Tropical Surgery and Surgical Pathology

By Karuna K. Chatterji, Major, I.T.F. With 91 plates, 20 in color, and 5 charts. Pages i–xviii, 2–244. New York: William Wood and Company. Price $6.00

Chas. F. Craig
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Malaria. Its Investigation and Control

By Robert Knowles, Major Indian Medical Service and Ronald Senior-White, Malaria Research Office, Central Malaria Bureau, Government of India. Pages i–vi, 1–220. Illustrated. Thacker, Spink and Company, Calcutta

Chas. F. Craig
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Mosquito Reduction and Malarial Prevention

By J. A. Crawford and B. S. Chalam. Pages i–x, 1–102. Oxford University Press, American Branch, New York. Price $1.75

Chas. F. Craig
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Precis de Parasitologie

Par E. Brumpt. Quatrieme Edition. Pages 1–1452. Masson et Cie., Paris

Chas. F. Craig
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Recent Advances in Tropical Medicine

Sir Leonard Rogers. P. Blakiston's Sons and Company. 1928. Pages 1–398. Illustrated. Philadelphia

Chas. F. Craig
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An Introduction to Medical Protozoology

With Chapters on the Spirochaetes and on Laboratory Methods. By Robert Knowles, B.A., M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Lt. Col., Indian Medical Service, Calcutta. Thacker, Spink and Company. 1928. Pages I–XII, 1–887

Chas. F. Craig
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Malaria in India

By Major General Sir Patrick Hehir. Indian Medical Service. (Retired.) London and New York. Oxford University Press. 1927. Page I–XIX, 1–490

Chas. F. Craig
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