Precis de Parasitologie

Par E. Brumpt. Quatrieme Edition. Pages 1–1452. Masson et Cie., Paris

Chas. F. Craig
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The various editions of the work of E. Brumpt upon Parasitology are too well known by workers in tropical medicine to demand an extended review in these pages. In this new edition the subject is brought well up to date and it will be found an invaluable book for reference purposes to parasitologists and all interested in the relation of animal parasites to infection or infestation in man, and the mycoses.

It is noted that the author considers his Entamoeba dispar a separate species and that he also lists Entamoeba hartmanni as a valid species. It is believed that this classification will not be accepted by the vast majority of protozoologists who regard both of these species as identical with Endamoeba histolytica. It is also noted that, like most French authors, he prefers the name Entamoeba dysenteriae to Endamoeba histolytica, but erroneously credits this name to Councilman and Lafleur.

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