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  • Author or Editor: Shamima Akhter x
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Stephen P. Luby
Amal K. Halder
Carole Tronchet
Shamima Akhter
Abbas Bhuiya
, and
Richard B. Johnston
Restricted access
Amal K. Halder
Stephen P. Luby
Shamima Akhter
Probir K. Ghosh
Richard B. Johnston
, and
Leanne Unicomb
Restricted access
Mahamud-ur Rashid
Christine Marie George
Shirajum Monira
Md. Toslim Mahmud
Zillur Rahman
Munshi Mustafiz
K. M. Saif-Ur-Rahman
Tahmina Parvin
Sazzadul Islam Bhuyian
Fatema Zohura
Farzana Begum
Shwapon Kumar Biswas
Shamima Akhter
Xiaotong Zhang
David Sack
R. Bradley Sack
, and
Munirul Alam
Restricted access