Some Observations on Creeping Eruption

J. L. Kirby-Smith
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W. E. Dove
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G. F. White
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Creeping eruption is a human skin disease characterized by a linear, tortuous and serpigenous eruption, and accompanied by intense itching. Although the disease is not a fatal one, it causes much discomfort to those infected and not a little anxiety to others residing where the infection occurs.

Dermatologists who have seen many cases of the disease diagnose it readily. Other physicians, however, who have seen fewer cases experience much difficulty in differentiating it from other dermatoses. A successful treatment, too, is not always easy to accomplish.

In view of the need of further observation on the disease the present writers undertook to make additional studies on it. A free clinic was conducted at Jacksonville, Florida, during ten days of July, 1924, and another for an equal period in July, 1925. At these clinics more than 300 patients were examined and treated. The observations made were in connection with the symptoms, etiology, epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatment of the disease.

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