Henry James Nichols, A.B., A.M., M.D.

Lieutenant Colonel, Medical Corps, United States Army Associate Editor, The American Journal of Tropical Medicine 1877–1927

Charles F. Craig
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In the recent death of Lieutenant Colonel Henry J. Nichols, Medical Corps, United States Army, in the Canal Zone, Panama, after a brief illness, the Army lost one of its most brilliant officers; American scientific medicine, one of its most eminent and productive members, and the American Society of Tropical Medicine, one of its most enthusiastic and helpful associates.

Lieutenant Colonel Henry J. Nichols was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, May 21, 1877. He was graduated from Yale University with the degree of Bachelor of Arts, in 1899; and, in 1901, obtained the degree of Master of Arts from the same university. In 1904 he was graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with the degree of Doctor of Medicine, and the next year entered the Medical Corps of the United States Army, and was graduated from the Army Medical School in 1906.

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