Jonathan Campbell Meakins. Practice of Medicine. 5th Edition

Pp. 1500. Figs. 500 (50 in color). St. Louis, Mo. C. V. Mosby Co., 1950. $13.50

Peter J. Talso
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Dr. Meakins has undertaken a monumental task in this current revision of his Practice of Medicine. The difficulties entailed in such a revision are delineated in the Preface, as the author indicates that the recent rapid advances in the various specialties of medicine and the techniques involved mitigate against an extensive discussion of many such facts in a treatise of this sort.

In common with most textbooks dealing with the practice of medicine, the present work has been designed to provide a reference source for the student and for the practitioner who seeks current information regarding disease processes. To a degree, this end is achieved in that classical descriptions of disease are presented with a masterful command of English. Further, the consistent attempt to approach diseases from the standpoint of their pathological physiology is to be commended.

In certain respects, the author fails to achieve this goal.

Author Notes
