An Introduction to The Practice of Preventive Medicine

By J. G. Fitzgerald, M.D., F.R.S.C., Professor of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine and Director, Connaught Antitoxin Laboratories, University of Toronto

George F. Lull Medical Corps, U.S. Army

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This book comes from the press at a time when an ever increasing number of people are becoming interested in preventive medicine and public health work.

The volume contains 25 chapters covering 712 pages, in addition to which there are 90 pages of valuable appendices. The arrangement of the work as a whole is excellent; however, it is noted that leprosy is considered in the chapter on insect borne diseases, along with malaria, dengue, etc. On page 155, in the discussion of the emetine treatment of amebic dysentery, a statement is made concerning “vegetable” forms of ameba.

In the article dealing with hook-worm, thymol and betanaphthol are both mentioned as being used to clear up infestations of this parasite. No mention is made of oil of chenopodium or carbon tetrachloride.

The chapters on water, milk and foods are written by H. M. Lancester. A large amount of information is considered in a comparatively small space.

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