Précis de Parasitologie

Brumpt (E.). Troisième Édition. Entièrement remanieé. Pp. xv + 1216. With 736 figures and 5 plates. 1922. Paris: Masson et Cie., 120, Boulevard Saint-Germain

Paul A. Schule Army Medical School, Washington, D. C.

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The second edition of this work appeared in 1913 and was exhausted five years ago. For this delay in the appearance of the third edition, Professor Brumpt pleads the pressure of other important labors and, too, the necessity of devoting long hours to the analysis, evaluation, and resumé of the many important contributions to the science of Parasitology that have appeared in the past ten years. And it is very obvious that the author has, in fact, diligently collected, patiently considered and judiciously chosen a large amount of new material for the thorough revision of his Precis.

The general plan of this third edition is the same as that of the second. After a chapter on General Principles of Parasitology (46 pages), the pathogenic Protozoa are discused (264 pages) under the broad headings of Spirochetes (44 pages), Rhizopods (30 pages), Sporozoa (80 pages), Flagellates (97 pages) and Infusoria (13 pages).

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