Essentials of Pathology

By Lawrence W. Smith, M.D., and Edwin S. Gault. With a Foreword by James Ewing, M.D. Illustrated. Pp. i–xciii, 1–904. D. Appleton-Century Co., New York and London. 2nd Ed., 1942

Chas. F. Craig
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The present work is a worthy contribution to the subject of patholoy. It is beautifully illustrated with 160 full page plates, 12 of which are colored, which are of great teaching value.

The work differs somewhat from the usual volume upon pathology in that after the descriptions of the pathological condition there follow detailed illustrative case histories, thus correlating the clinical and pathological pictures. This method of treating the subject is of very great value to the student in showing the relationship between symptoms and pathology.

As a whole the various phases of pathology are fully treated but the section upon animal parasites is inadequate, consisting of two comparatively short chapters in which many errors occur. The chapters upon tumors are very exhaustive and excellent.

The publishers have produced a beautiful volume, the only criticism being that it is over-cumbersome owing to its size, especially when used as a text-book.

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