Medical Entomology

By William B. Hermes. 3rd Edition, pp. I–XIX, 1–582. The Macmillan Company, New York

Chas. F. Craig
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This book is a very complete revision of the author's “Medical and Veterinary Entomology”, the second edition of which was published in 1923. Since that time much has been added to our knowledge of the subject and the present work is intended to bring to the student and physician, as well as workers in public health, the most important and recent data regarding the relation of arthropods to public health and the well-being of man and animals. To this end, the public health aspects of the subject have been stressed and the relation of arthropods to the transmission of disease has been emphasized.

The reviewer has read this book with much interest and is impressed with its value, especially to the public health worker and student. He has found that it is up-to-date as regards its contents and accurate in its statements regarding the relationship of arthropods to disease, while the advice it contains as to the destruction and the prevention of the breeding of the various arthropods of importance in human and animal disease is practical and should prove most useful.

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