“Brucellin,” a Possible Specific for Undulant Fever in Man

Preliminary Report

I. Forest Huddleson Central Brucella Station, Department of Bacteriology and Hygiene, Michigan State College

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Howard W. Johnson Central Brucella Station, Department of Bacteriology and Hygiene, Michigan State College

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The treatment of undulant fever has occupied the minds of investigators in this subject and practicing physicians since the time of the first discovery of one of the causative species of the genus by Bruce. Although many agents have been reported on and proposed for the specific treatment of the disease, it has been difficult to evaluate their efficacy due to the nature of the disease and to the fact that their use has been limited to a small number of cases. No attempt will be made here to review the agents that have been used with reported success or to discuss their value since this paper is only preliminary to a more extensive report which will appear later.

This laboratory has been engaged in the study of the therapeutic value of various agents in the treatment of Brucella infection in animals and man for a number of years.

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