Visceral Leishmaniasis Prevalence and Associated Risk Factors in the Saran District of Bihar, India, from 2009 to July of 2011

Diana Perry Genesis Laboratories, Inc., Wellington, Colorado; Boring Canal Road, Patna, India

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Kandice Dixon Genesis Laboratories, Inc., Wellington, Colorado; Boring Canal Road, Patna, India

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Rajesh Garlapati Genesis Laboratories, Inc., Wellington, Colorado; Boring Canal Road, Patna, India

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Alex Gendernalik Genesis Laboratories, Inc., Wellington, Colorado; Boring Canal Road, Patna, India

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David Poché Genesis Laboratories, Inc., Wellington, Colorado; Boring Canal Road, Patna, India

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Richard Poché Genesis Laboratories, Inc., Wellington, Colorado; Boring Canal Road, Patna, India

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India is one of three countries that account for an estimated 300,000 of 500,000 cases of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) occurring annually. Bihar State is the most affected area of India, with more than 90% of the cases. Surveys were conducted in two villages within the Saran district of Bihar, India, from 2009 to July of 2011 to assess risk factors associated with VL. Forty-five cases were identified, and individuals were given an oral survey. The results indicated that men contracted the disease more than women (58%), and cases over the age of 21 years accounted for 42% of the total VL cases. April to June showed the highest number of new cases. Of 135 households surveyed for sleeping conditions, 95% reported sleeping outside, and 98% slept in beds. Proximity to VL cases was the greatest risk factor (cluster 1 relative risk = 11.89 and cluster 2 relative risk = 138.34). The VL case clustering observed in this study can be incorporated in disease prevention strategies to more efficiently and effectively target VL control efforts.

Author Notes

* Address correspondence to Richard Poché, PO Box 1195, Wellington, CO 80549. E-mail:

Authors' addresses: Diana Perry, Kandice Dixon, Rajesh Garlapati, Alex Gendernalik, David Poché, and Richard Poché, Genesis Laboratories, Inc. NA, Wellington, CO, E-mails:,,,,, and

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