Monkey Malaria in Humans: A Diagnostic Dilemma with Conflicting Laboratory Data

Catherine W. M. Ong National University Health System, Singapore; Defence Medical and Environmental Research Institute, Singapore

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Shir Ying Lee National University Health System, Singapore; Defence Medical and Environmental Research Institute, Singapore

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Wee Hong Koh National University Health System, Singapore; Defence Medical and Environmental Research Institute, Singapore

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Eng-Eong Ooi National University Health System, Singapore; Defence Medical and Environmental Research Institute, Singapore

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Paul A. Tambyah National University Health System, Singapore; Defence Medical and Environmental Research Institute, Singapore

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Plasmodium knowlesi has recently been recognized as the fifth Plasmodium species causing malaria in humans. Diagnosis is difficult morphologically, and currently, available rapid tests have not been comprehensively evaluated with this pathogen. We report a case of P. knowlesi malaria that was confirmed after the initial clue of discordant microscopy and immunochromatographic results, highlighting the importance of molecular diagnostics in cases with the relevant clinical and epidemiologic history.

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