NICOLE M. NEMETH Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Arbovirus Diseases Branch, Fort Collins, Colorado

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SUSAN BECKETT Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Arbovirus Diseases Branch, Fort Collins, Colorado

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ERIC EDWARDS Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Arbovirus Diseases Branch, Fort Collins, Colorado

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KACI KLENK Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Arbovirus Diseases Branch, Fort Collins, Colorado

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NICHOLAS KOMAR Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Arbovirus Diseases Branch, Fort Collins, Colorado

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We tested 1,549 avian carcasses of 104 species to identify targets for West Nile virus (WNV) surveillance in Colorado, determine species affected by WNV, compare virus isolation versus RNA detection applied to hearts and oral swabs from carcasses, and compare the VecTest WNV Antigen Assay (VecTest) to standard assays. Forty-two species tested positive. From June to September 2003, 86% of corvids, 34% of non-corvid passerines, and 37% of raptors tested positive. We developed the Target Species Index, which identified American crows as the most important avian indicator species. However, testing multiple species maximizes detection, which may be important early and late in the transmission season. This index may benefit surveillance for other zoonotic pathogens, such as highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus. VecTest using oral swabs was most sensitive for American crow, black-billed magpie, house finch, house sparrow, and American kestrel. Wildlife rehabilitation centers should be recruited to enhance WNV surveillance.

Author Notes

  • 1

    Julian KG, Eidson M, Kipp AM, Weiss E, Petersen LR, Miller JR, Hinten SR, Marfin AA, 2002. Early season crow mortality as a sentinel for West Nile virus disease in humans, northeastern United States. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 2 :145–155.

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    Guptill SC, Julian KG, Campbell GL, Price SD, Marfin AA, 2003. Early-season avian deaths from West Nile virus as warnings of human infection. Emerg Infect Dis 9 :483–484.

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    Mostashari F, Kulldorff M, Hartman JJ, Miller JR, Kulasekera V, 2003. Dead bird clusters as an early warning system for West Nile virus activity. Emerg Infect Dis 9 :641–646.

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    O’Leary DR, Marfin AA, Montgomery SP, Kipp AM, Lehman JA, Biggerstaff BJ, Elko VL, Collins PD, Jones JE, Campbell GL, 2004. The epidemic of West Nile virus in the United States, 2002. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 4 :61–70.

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  • 5

    Eidson M, Komar N, Sorhage F, Nelson R, Talbot T, Mostashari F, McLean R, West Nile virus Avian Mortality Surveillance Group, 2001. Crow deaths as a sentinel surveillance system for West Nile virus in the northeastern United States, 1999. Emerg Infect Dis 7 :615–620.

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  • 6

    Eidson M, Kramer L, Stone W, Hagiwara Y, 2001. Avian mortality surveillance as an early warning system for West Nile virus. Emerg Infect Dis 7 :631–635.

  • 7

    Johnson GD, Eidson M, Schmit K, Ellis A, Kulldorff M, 2006. Geographic prediction of human onset of West Nile virus using dead crow clusters: an evaluation of year 2002 data in New York State. Am J Epidemiol 163 :171–180.

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  • 9

    Eidson M, 2001. “Neon needles” in a haystack: the advantages of passive surveillance for West Nile virus. Ann N Y Acad Sci 951 :38–53.

  • 10

    Gubler DJ, Campbell GL, Nasci R, Komar N, Petersen L, Roehrig JT, 2000. West Nile virus in the United States: guidelines for detection, prevention, and control. Viral Immunol 13 :469–475.

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    Nasci RS, Komar N, Marfin AA, Ludwig GV, Kramer LD, Daniels TJ, Falco RC, Campbell SR, Brookes K, Gottfried KL, Burkhalter KL, Aspen SE, Kerst AJ, Lanciotti RS, Moore CG, 2002. Detection of West Nile virus-infected mosquitoes and seropositive juvenile birds in the vicinity of virus-positive dead birds. Am J Trop Med Hyg 67 :492–496.

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    Caffrey C, Weston TJ, Smith SC, 2003. High mortality among marked crows subsequent to the arrival of West Nile virus. Wildl Soc Bull 31 :870–872.

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    Hochachka WM, Dhondt AA, McGowan KJ, Kramer LD, 2004. Impact of West Nile virus on American crows in the northeastern United States, and its relevance to existing monitoring programs. EcoHealth 1 :60–68.

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    Stone WB, Okoniewski JC, Therrien JE, Kramer LD, Kauffman EB, Eidson M, 2004. VecTest as diagnostic and surveillance tool for West Nile virus in dead birds. Emerg Infect Dis 10 :2175–2181.

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    Panella NA, Burkhalter KL, Langevin SA, Brault AC, Schooley LM, Biggerstaff BJ, Nasci RS, Komar N, 2005. Rapid West Nile virus antigen detection. Emerg Infect Dis 11 :1633–1635.

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    Steele KE, Linn MJ, Schoepp RJ, Komar N, Geisbert TW, Manduca RM, Calle PP, Raphael BL, Clippinger TL, Larsen T, Smith J, Lanciotti RS, Panella NA, McNamara TS, 2000. Pathology of fatal West Nile virus infections in native and exotic birds during the 1999 outbreak in New York City, New York. Vet Pathol 37 :208–224.

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    Kramer LD, Bernard KA, 2001. West Nile virus infection in birds and mammals. Ann N Y Acad Sci 951 :84–93.

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    Panella NA, Kerst A, Lanciotti RS, Byrant P, Wolf B, Komar N, 2001. Comparative West Nile virus detection in organs of naturally infected American crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos). Emerg Infect Dis 7 :754–755.

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    Komar N, Langevin S, Hinten S, Nemeth N, Edwards E, Hettler D, Davis B, Bowen R, Bunning M, 2003. Experimental infection of North American birds with the New York 1999 strain of West Nile virus. Emerg Infect Dis 9 :311–322.

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