Manual de Micologia Médica

by Carlos da Silva Lacaz, Professor de Microbiologia e Immunologia da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Ex-Professor de Microbiologia e Immunologia da Faculdade de Medicina de Sorocaba e da Escola de Enfermagen da Universidade de São Paulo. 2nd edition. 422 pp., illustrated. São Paulo, Brazil, 1956

L. W. Hackett
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This is the second edition of Professor Lacaz's excellent manual of medical mycology, amplified with new illustrations and technics, and brought up to date as regards the bibliography. In the first and more general part, the author deals with the morphology, classification, pathology and importance of fungi of medical interest. There are special chapters on the superficial and the deep mycoses, their role in allergy and as contaminants, and laboratory methods of staining, cultivating and identifying them. A new chapter has been added on treatment and prophylaxis.

Author Notes
