Editor's Page what you see is what you Get

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It was indicated on these pages in the July issue that articles (less tables and figures) accepted for publication in the JOURNAL would be put into near final form and coded in this office for typesetting by Allen Press. This process was begun with the November issue and will be continued.

Before a manuscript is sent to the printer, the designated author will receive a letter of acceptance along with a partial or complete copy of the manuscript in its penultimate form for his information and comment. At a later date, the author will receive page proofs.

This procedure should reduce the number of modifications required in the proofs. For each alteration in proof, the printer's current charge is $2.00 minimum; this will shortly go to $3.00. Henceforth, changes (not corrections) made in proofs will be charged to the author.

Eventually, there will be a decrease in the time between a manuscript's acceptance and its appearance in print.

Author Notes
