The Portal Circulation in Hepatic Fibrosis Associated with Bilharziasis

Ernest Bibawi Kasr El Aini Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo, Egypt

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Ahmed A. El-Deeb Kasr El Aini Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo, Egypt

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Mahmoud M. Mahfouz Kasr El Aini Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, Cairo, Egypt

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In a series of 50 cases of hepatic fibrosis associated with bilharzial mansoni infection, hematemesis occurred in 14 per cent, esophageal varicosities in 30 per cent, and collateral veins in the anterior abdominal wall in 54 per cent. Their incidence was greater in cases with ascites than in those without ascites. The ether-portal circulation was prolonged in the majority of cases. The spleencarotid time was frequently normal or reduced. Splenic venography yielded evidences of portal hypertension, degree of hepatic fibrosis and of patency or thrombosis of the splenic or portal veins.

Our thanks to Messrs. “Sandoz” for a liberal supply of Lobeline.

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