The Electrophoretic Isoenzyme Patterns of Strains of Entamoeba Histolytica Isolated in Two Major Cities in Canada

Eileen M. Proctor *Division of Laboratories, British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, National Reference Service for Parasitology (Morphology), P.O. Box 34020, Postal Station D, Vancouver, British Columbia V6J 4M3, Canada
†Department of Medical Microbiology, University of British Columbia

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Quantine Wong *Division of Laboratories, British Columbia Centre for Disease Control, National Reference Service for Parasitology (Morphology), P.O. Box 34020, Postal Station D, Vancouver, British Columbia V6J 4M3, Canada

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Jim Yang ‡Tropical Disease Unit, Toronto General Hospital, 200 Elizabeth Street, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2C4, Canada, and Departments of Medicine and Medical Microbiology, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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Jay S. Keystone ‡Tropical Disease Unit, Toronto General Hospital, 200 Elizabeth Street, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2C4, Canada, and Departments of Medicine and Medical Microbiology, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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The isoenzyme patterns of 92 isolates of Entamoeba histolytica from British Columbia and 28 from Ontario were determined. Seropositivity for E. histolytica was assessed by indirect hemagglutination and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in the one center and by ELISA and amebic gel diffusion in the other.

In both British Columbia and Ontario nonpathogenic zymodemes I and III were most common. A newly described isoenzyme pattern was identified in Ontario. Only 9 of 120 zymodeme patterns identified were found to be pathogenic strains of E. histolytica. Pathogenic isolates were strongly correlated with clinical symptoms and seropositivity.

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