Chemical Methods for the Control of Arthropod Vectors and Pests of Public Health Importance

edited by the World Health Organization. vi + 108 pages. The World Health Organization, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland. 1984 Sw. fr. 14, paperbound

Mir S. Mulla Department of Entomology University of California, Riverside, California 92521

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From time to time, the World Health Organization publishes comprehensive treatments of topics bearing on the epidemiology and control of vector-borne diseases. This booklet, which constitutes a useful guide for the control of arthropods of public health importance around the globe, has been updated and revised. The information in this fourth edition is derived from reports of a WHO Expert Committee on Insecticides.

In the introductory chapter, some general guidelines for the control of major groups of vectors and pests are presented. In brief, abatement and preventive measures as well as chemical control strategies are discussed for malaria vectors, filariasis vectors, cockroaches, fleas, synanthropic flies and other major groups of arthropods. In subsequent chapters, control and abatement methodologies for each major group of arthropods is presented in detail. In the second chapter, chemical control agents including application techniques, and treatment cycles are presented for the control of Anopheles, Aedes and Culex mosquitoes.

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