
R. G. S.
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“If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could better judge what to do, and how to do it.”

—Abraham Lincoln

This sentiment, so eloquently expressed by a statesman concerned with the problems of a nation, applies equally well to the troubled scene in the field of malaria. Fifteen and more years ago the commitment to eradication called for a maximum effort with the expectation of success in a reasonable period of time. The high hopes present during these early years of malaria eradication have turned to deep concern, and the successes accentuate the many serious difficulties. Our dilemma now is how to retain even the current stalemate with our adversary in the face of diminishing support and increasing difficulties.

It was with this awareness that the Inter-American Malaria Research Symposium was organized. Prolonged adherence to a set strategy has served to isolate those involved in malaria eradication programs from their colleagues in research.

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