World Review of Dietetics and Nutrition

Vol. 7, edited by Geoffrey H. Bourne, Atlanta, Georgia. vii + 255 pages. Hafner Publishing Company, Inc., New York, N. Y. 1967. $14.50

A. Hughes Bryan Department of Nutrition School of Public Health University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

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The present volume contains seven review articles that will be of interest to workers in different areas of endeavor. Those concerned with problems relating nutrition to health in the under-developed countries may wish to read the paper on “The World Food Situation” by L. Cesal, L. Blakelee, and E. O. Heady of Iowa State University, and that on “Nutritional Studies in Tanzania (Tanganyika)” by M. C. Latham with the assistance of F. J. Stare. The first of these reviews presents food-supply figures for the world by geographic regions at four points in time, the earliest 1934–38 and the latest 1957–59. There is a discussion of estimates of the future growth in population of the world and its regions and of the possible extent of future growth in food production.

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