Endemic Goiter in East Java

Hoepoediono Soewondo Departments of Public Health, Clinical Pathology, and Internal Medicine, Airlangga University Medical School, Surabaja, Indonesia

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Marsetio Donosepoetro Departments of Public Health, Clinical Pathology, and Internal Medicine, Airlangga University Medical School, Surabaja, Indonesia

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Frederick Kellogg Departments of Public Health, Clinical Pathology, and Internal Medicine, Airlangga University Medical School, Surabaja, Indonesia

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Endemic goiter is still a public health problem in East Java, as indicated by its high prevalence (25% and 97%) in school children of two villages and the widespread origin of clinical cases. The content of iodine in salt consumed in endemic areas is not sufficient to be of prophylactic value.

Author Notes

Visiting Professor of Medicine, 1963–1965, University of California, San Francisco, Calif.
