Parasitology Laboratory Manual

by Stewart C. Schell, Associate Professor of Zoology, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho. v + 96 pages, illustrated, paper back. New York and London, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 1962. $2.95.

Lawrence R. Ash Department of Tropical Medicine and Public Health Tulane Medical School, New Orleans, Louisiana

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This laboratory guide deals with representative parasites, including some of medical importance, selected somewhat on the basis of availability.

Following a short introduction on nomenclature, technical terms and procedures, various groups of parasites are considered in order: Protozoa, Platyhelminthes, Acanthocephala, Nemathelminthes and Arthropoda, divided into orders, families and representative species, illustrated with numerous simple, but excellent, line drawings.

There is a section listing general reference texts and articles, references to articles and monographs on particular parasites and groups, and some leading parasitological journals and abstract publications.

A very useful section on techniques deals with the examination of blood and feces, necropsy of animals, fixation, staining and mounting of ecto- and endo-parasites, and miscellaneous techniques. Most of the techniques described are those in general use but experienced teachers would find it desirable to emend and add to some parts of the section.

In general, the taxonomy and morphology of the representative species selected for study are presented clearly, concisely and accurately, with the frequent use of tables and keys.

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