Pharmacology. The Nature, Action and Use of Drugs

by Harry Beckman, M.D., Chairman, Departments of Pharmacology, Marquette University Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, Consulting Physician, Milwaukee County General Hospital and Columbia Hospital, Editor, Year Book of Drug Therapy. 2nd edition, 805 + xviii pages, illustrated. Philadelphia and London, W. B. Saunders Company, 1961. $15.50

Julius Kahn Jr. University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Cincinnati, Ohio

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In the second edition of his book, as in the first, Harry Beckman presents a delightfully personal view of pharmacology. This is not meant to imply that the book is not based on wide knowledge and critical evaluation of pertinent literature. It means rather that Dr. Beckman's words convey his notions as well as his knowledge. In these days of “multi-author” texts a personal view of anything is welcome. It is a pleasant experience for the reader to see phrases which have obviously not been filtered through the mind of someone who did not write them. When many of the phrases are felicitous, as they are in this work, the pleasure is even greater. If one is looking for an enjoyable visit into the mind of a practicing pharmacologist as well as into the recent advances in the field, Beckman's book is an excellent ticket for the voyage.

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