Cardiolipin Antigens—Preparation and Chemical and Serological Control. World Health Organization Monograph Series No. 6

by Mary C. Pangborn, F. Maltaner, V. N. Tompkins, T. Beecher, W. R. Thompson and Mary Rose Flynn. 63 pages, illustrated. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1951. Price 5/-, $1.00, Sw. fr. 4.-

A. G. Osler
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The present monograph has been prepared for WHO by the Division of Laboratories and Research of the New York State Department of Health. As indicated in the title, this volume presents detailed technical data for the preparation of the two phospholipids, cardiolipin and lecithin used in serologic tests for syphilis. Procedures for chemical and serological standardization are also included.

The problem of standardization of the reagents and methods used for the detection of Wassermann antibody has sorely beset workers in this field for many years. In this sense, therefore, application of the technics described in this monograph should mark notable progress. Unfortunately, however, there still exist several deterrents to international standardization of serologic tests for syphilis. Among these may be mentioned the technical difficulties involved in the actual preparation of cardiolipin and lecithin. These may be overcome in part through continued efforts directed towards the centralization of antigen manufacture and standardization in any given geographic area.

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