Volume 19 (1970): Issue 5 (Sep 1970)

Schistosomiasis of the Male Pelvic Organs
Severity of Infection as Determined by Digestion of Tissue and Histologic Methods in 300 Cadavers
Toxocara Canis Infections in Baboons
II. Distribution of Larvae and Histopathologic Responses
Hydatid Disease in the Central Valley of California
Transmission of Infection among Dogs, Sheep, and Man in Kern County
Onchocerciasis in Colombia
Parasitologic Findings in the First Observed Focus
Onchocerciasis in Colombia
Entomologic Findings in the First Observed Focus
Studies on Trachoma
VII. Isolation of a Mixture of Type 1 and Type 2 Trachoma Strains from a Child in Saudi Arabia
Studies of Arthropod-Borne Virus Infections in Chiroptera
VIII. Evidence of Natural St. Louis Encephalitis Virus Infection in Bats
Antivenin for the Treatment of Local Tissue Damage Due to Envenomation by Southeast Asian Snakes
Ineffectiveness in the Prevention of Local Tissue Damage in Mice after Envenomation
Book Review
Angiostrongylosis in the Pacific and Southeast Asia
by Joseph E. Alicata and Karel Jindrak. x + 105 pages, illustrated. Charles C Thomas Publisher, Bannerstone House, 301–327 East Lawrence Avenue, Springfield, Illinois. 1970. No price
Book Review
Epidemiology: Man and Disease
by John P. Fox, Professor of Preventive Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Carrie E. Hall, Assistant Professor, Schools of Medicine and Nursing, University of Washington, Seattle, and Lila R. Elveback, Professor of Biostatistics, Mayo Graduate School of Medicine, University of Minnesota, Rochester. xi + 339 pp. The Macmillan Company, 866 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022. 1970. $12.95
Book Review
História da Febre-Amarela no Brasil
by Odair Franco. 208 pages, paperbound, Ministério da Saude, Departamento Nacional de Endemias Rurais, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 1969. Also published in Revista Brasileira de Malariologia e Doenças Tropicais, 1969, vol. 21, pp. 315–320
Book Review
Parasitic Diseases in Africa and the Western Hemisphere: Early Documentation and Tranmission by the Slave Trade
by R. Hoeppli, Swiss Tropical Institute. xii + 240, illustrated. Verlag für Recht und Gesellschaft Ag. Basel, Switzerland. 1969. $30.00
Book Review
Thiamin Diphosphate and Its Catalytic Functions
by L. O. Krampitz, Department of Microbiology, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. 65 pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 95 Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10016. 1970. $5.75
Book Review
World Review of Nutrition and Dietetics, Vol. 10
edited by Geoffrey H. Bourne, Atlanta, Georgia. x + 317 pages, illustrated. S. Karger Ag, Basel, Switzerland. Distributed in U.S.A. by Albert J. Phiebig, P.O. Box 352, White Plains, New York 10602. 1969. $19.20