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Narisara Chantratita
Vanaporn Wuthiekanun
Direk Limmathurotsakul
Aunchalee Thanwisai
Wasun Chantratita
Nicholas P. J. Day
, and
Sharon J. Peacock
Restricted access
Kamolthip Atsawawaranunt
Theerarat Kochakarn
Amornmas Kongklieng
Pakkaporn Panwijitkul
Rujira Tragoolpua
Kanyarat Jaradilokkul
Prayuth Kaewmalang
Duangkamon Loesbanluechai
Namfon Kotanan
Khajohn Joonlasak
Elizabeth M. Batty
Anek Mungaomklang
Vichan Pawun
Wasun Chantratita
, and
Thanat Chookajorn
Open access