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  • Author or Editor: R. Traub x
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A. Farhang-Azad
R. Traub
, and
C. L. Wisseman Jr.
Restricted access
Katharina Stracke
Aaron R. Jex
, and
Rebecca J. Traub
Free access
Rebecca J Traub
Ian D Robertson
Peter Irwin
Norbert Mencke
, and
R C Andrew Thompson
Restricted access
C. L. Wisseman Jr.
R. Traub
W. S. Gochenour Jr.
J. E. Smadel
, and
W. E. Lancaster
Restricted access

Immunological Reactions in Kuru

Attempts to Demonstrate Serological Relationships between Kuru and other Known Infectious Agents

R. J. Benfante
R. D. Traub
K. A. Lim
J. Hooks
C. J. Gibbs Jr.
, and
D. C. Gajdusek
Restricted access
J. E. Smadel
H. L. Ley Jr.
F. H. Diercks
P. Y. Paterson
C. L. Wisseman Jr.
, and
R. Traub
Restricted access
Adam W. Bartlett
Rebecca Traub
Salvador Amaral
Sze Fui Hii
Naomi E. Clarke
Alexander Matthews
Patsy A. Zendejas-Heredia
Paul Arkell
Merita Antonia Armindo Monteiro
Virginia da Conceicao
Carolina da Costa Maia
Maria Imaculada Soares
Josefina D. Prisca Guterres
Joshua R. Francis
, and
Susana Vaz Nery
Restricted access