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  • Author or Editor: Kelly Crowdis x
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Rudy T. Kirkhope
Andrew D. Gibson
Pierre Dilius Augustin
Kelly Crowdis
Natael Fénelon
Ewan T. MacLeod
Marco A. N. Vigilato
Emily G. Pieracci
, and
Ryan M. Wallace
Open access
Ryan Wallace
Melissa Etheart
Fleurinord Ludder
Pierre Augustin
Natael Fenelon
Richard Franka
Kelly Crowdis
Patrick Dely
Paul Adrien
J. Pierre-Louis
Modupe Osinubi
Lillian Orciari
Marco Vigilato
Jesse Blanton
Roopal Patel
David Lowrance
Andrecy Liverdieu
Andre Coetzer
John Boone
Joanne Lindenmayer
, and
M. Millien
Open access