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  • Author or Editor: J. H. St. John x
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Dysentery in the Federated Malay States

By William Fletcher, M.D., Cambridge, Bacteriologist, Institute for medical Research, and Margaret W. Jjepps, Protozoologist, Institute for Medical Research, Kuala, Lumpur. With a preface, by Dr. A. E. Horn, C.M.G., Medical Secretary, Colonial Advisory Medical and Sanitary Committee. No. 19 in the reported Studies from The Institute for Medical Research. Kuala, Lumpur, Federated Malay States, with forty-four illustrations, 82 pp. London: John Bales Sons & Danielsson, Ltd., Oxford House 83–91, Great tithfield Street, Oxford Street, W. I. 1924

J. H. St. John
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Guide to the Study of Tsetse-Flies

By Prof. R. Newstead, F.R.S., with the collaboration of Alwen W. Evans, M.Sc. (Vict.) and W. H. Potts, B.A. (Contab.). Foreword by Prof. J. W. W. Stevens, F.R.S. Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine—Memoir, New Series No. 1. The University Press of Liverpool Limited. Hodder and Stoughten Limited, London. Price 17/6 net

J. H. St. John
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Researches in Polynesia and Melanesia Entomology

By Patrick A. Buxton, M.R.C.S., D.T.M. and H.; Formerly Milner Research Fellow; Director, Department of Medical Entomology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Assisted by G. H. E. Hopkins, M.A., F.E.S. Published by The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, July, 1927

J. H. St. John
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Mosquito Surveys (A Handbook for Anti-malarial and Anti-mosquito Field Workers)

By Malcolm E. MacGregor, M.A. (Published for the Welcome Bureau of Scientific Research, 25/28 Endsleigh Gardens, London, Eng., W. C. 1. William Wood and Company, New York. Price $5.50. Cloth binding. 257 pages. Illustrated.)

J. H. St. John
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J. H. St. John
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Charles F. Craig
J. H. St. John
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