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  • Author or Editor: Hans A. Bruch x
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Ruth L. Huenemann
Hans A. Scholes
Bruch T. Scholes
, and
Robert T. Scholes
Restricted access

Studies of Diarrheal Disease in Central America

V. Environmental Factors in the Origin and Transmission of Acute Diarrheal Disease in Four Guatemalan Villages

Hans A. Bruch
Werner Ascoli
Nevin S. Scrimshaw
, and
John E. Gordon
Restricted access

Studies of Diarrheal Disease in Central America

VIII. Measles, Diarrhea, and Nutritional Deficiency in Rural Guatemala

Nevin S. Scrimshaw
Joao B. Salomon
Hans A. Bruch
, and
John E. Gordon
Restricted access

Studies of Diarrheal Disease in Central America

IV. Demographic Distributions of Acute Diarrheal Disease in Two Rural Populations of the Guatemalan Highlands

Nevin S. Scrimshaw
Hans A. Bruch
Werner Ascoli
, and
John E. Gordon
Restricted access