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  • Author or Editor: G. T. Stewart x
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Natural Nidality of Transmissible Diseases

by Evegeny N. Pavlovsky, edited by Norman D. Levine, translated by Frederick K. Plous. University of Illinois Press, Urbana and London, 1966. x + 227 pages with index, glossary, references and 126 figures or photographs. $8.00

G. T. Stewart
Restricted access

Infectious Diseases: Their Evolution and Eradication

compiled and edited by Aidan Cockburn, M.D., Medical-Dental Director, Mayor's Committee for Human Resources Development, Detroit, Michigan. xvi + 402 pages, illustrated. Charles C Thomas, Springfield, Illinois. 1967. $18.50

G. T. Stewart
Restricted access

The Epidemiology of Tropical Diseases

by Oscar Felsenfeld. 488 pages (88 Chapters) with index and references. Charles C Thomas, Springfield, Illinois. $14.75

G. T. Stewart
Restricted access