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  • Author or Editor: G. M. Baer x
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Pravan Suntharasamai
M. J. Warrell
D. A. Warrell
Pornthep Chanthavanich
Sornchai Looareesuwan
Achara Supapochana
Praphan Phanuphak
Sataporn Jittapalapongsa
P. A. Yager
, and
G. M. Baer
Restricted access
Daniel B. Fishbein
Maria G. Frontini
James G. Dobbins
Estrella Flores Collins
Guadalupe Quiroz Huerta
Jose De Jesus Gamez Rodriguez
Brian Woo-Ming
Juan Garza Ramos
Albino J. Belotto
Juan Manuel Balderas Torres
Kristine M. Yenne
Samuel B. Linhart
, and
George M. Baer
Restricted access
Maria G. Frontini
Daniel B. Fishbein
Juan Garza Ramos
Estrella Flores Collins
Juan Manuel Balderas Torres
Guadalupe Quiroz Huerta
Jose De Jesus Gamez Rodriguez
Albino J. Belotto
James G. Dobbins
Samuel B. Linhart
, and
George M. Baer
Restricted access
Daniel B. Fishbein
Kenneth W. Bernard
Kirk D. Miller
Theresa van der Vlugt
Caren E. Gaines
J. Thomas Bell
John W. Sumner
Frances L. Reid
Robert A. Parker
Joseph T. Horman
Paul F. Pinsky
Lawrence B. Schonberger
George M. Baer
, and
William G. Winkler
Restricted access
Kenneth W. Bernard
Daniel B. Fishbein
Kirk D. Miller
Robert A. Parker
Sheila Waterman
John W. Sumner
Frances L. Reid
Bruce K. Johnson
Arthur J. Rollins
Charles N. Oster
Lawrence B. Schonberger
George M. Baer
, and
William G. Winkler
Restricted access